20/20 Vision: What Does It Mean? How Is It Important?

20/20 Vision


Visual acuity is the clarity of your vision. It is measured using a chart on the basis of how you identify the letters from 20 feet away.


20/20 Vision can be determined by a comprehensive eye exam using a “Snellen” eye chart. It is an eye chart used by professionals to measure visual acuity thus determining the 20/20 vision.


It is the eye chart found in every eye doctor’s chamber with big and small letters. These letters are known as Optotypes. The chart has 11 rows with letters decreasing in size from the top to the bottom. The chart usually starts with one large letter on the top and then the letters reduce in size as they move downwards. The patients cover one eye and read the letters on the charts, the line which the patient can read clearly determines the visual acuity of that eye. This process is repeated for the other eye as well.


No, 20/20 vision is the average vision a person should have. It is determined when a person can read letters on the Snellen’s eye chart clearly from 20 feet away.

The perfect vision is 20/15 which is when you can see letters on the chart when you are standing 20 feet away sharp and clear than a person who can see the same chart standing 15 feet away from the chart.

 The goal of contact lenses and eye glasses is to provide the people with 20/20 vision.


No, just as 20/20 vision indicates the sharpness of the vision, standing 20 feet away 15/15 vision shows the average vision standing 15 feet away. The clarity of the vision depends on various factors such as side vision, eye coordination, depth perception, focusing ability and colour vision.


If you are experiencing less than 20/20 vision it is mostly because of eye diseases such as near-sightedness, farsightedness, astigmatism, cataracts, muscular degeneration or retinal detachment. These factors affect the average vision of a person making their vision lower than 20/20. Visit our site https://eyemantra.org/ to know more about vision problems and how they can be corrected.


There are many ways to maintain a 20/20 vision. A few of them are:

  1. Wear glasses and contact lenses as recommended by your eye doctor: more than 80% of people require eyeglasses and contact lenses to correct their vision and pull it to 20/20 vision. You should make sure you wear the right corrective eyewear according to your eye doctors’ prescription otherwise it can lead to an increase in eye strain thus putting the patient at a greater risk of eye problems.
  2. Wear proper sunglasses: Ultraviolet rays from the sun can deteriorate the vision and damage the cornea which may lead to cataracts and other eye problems. You should choose sunglasses that screen out 99 to 100% of Ultraviolet rays.
  3. Keep your home’s air control in check: You should use a humidifier in your house to keep moist air away from your eyes. You should avoid going out when there is an increase in pollution or there is an increase in the pollen count. If you own pet dogs or cats make sure you clean your house properly because animals’ hair can affect vision.
  4. Rest your eyes as often as possible to prevent eyestrain: Prolonged viewing of a digital screen can increase eye strain. You should always use 20-20-20 rule where you look at an object 20 feet away for 20 seconds every 20 minutes. This method reduces eye strain and can reduce the chances of blurred vision and dry eyes. It can also reduce shoulder and eye pain. You can even use computer viewing glasses which reduces the screen glare and distress.
  5. Avoid smoking: you should avoid smoking as it has many harmful effects on eye health. Tobacco can also lead to eye diseases and eye cancers.
  6. Have a healthy diet: you should always follow a healthy diet and exercise every day. Maintaining the routine can reduce the chances of diabetes. It also reduces the chances of cataracts and retinal problems. Food like carrots, fish, and leafy green vegetables are a good option to maintain good eye health.
  7. Get good sleep: when you are asleep your eyes replenish all the nutrients necessary. Good sleep can reduce the chances of irritation in the eyes. It also reduces eye fatigue, sore and dry eyes.


These are the few things you can do to treat eye problems and prevent losing your 20/20 vision.

  1. You should always find a reputable eye care centre and go for regular eye checkups. Our eye care centre in Delhi-Eyemantra Care-is a renowned eye care center. It has well-trained and experienced ophthalmologists who can take a comprehensive eye exam and even correct your vision back to 20/20.
  2. When you go to the hospital you can expect a number of eye tests. They take a comprehensive eye exam to come to a conclusion about your eye health. The visual acuity depends on coordination of the eye, peripheral vision, and other factors.
  3. You should vision your eye doctor every six months to make sure you have good eye health.
  4. If you have any symptoms of eye problems or if you are facing difficulty in viewing objects near or far away/ if you have blurry vision or watery eyes, then you should contact an eye doctor immediately.


20/20 vision is the clarity of vision an average person has. People can have vision sharper than 20/20 but if it is lower than this, then you should fix it as it can cause problems in your daily activities.

To get a comprehensive eye exam at Eyemantra Care contact us on Ph: +91-9711115191

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