Looking For Specs Removal?

In LASIK procedures, a laser is used to improve the curvature of Cornea to focus the light on the retina. LASIK surgery is the most commonly performed specs removal procedure.

  • Exclusive & Secure Technology in Specs Removal and LASIK
  • Keen & sharp-edged Vision: Redefining Visual Acuity Results
  • Free from Hospitalization process: Hassle free treatment with specs only

Spectacle removal has grown super useful and comfortable ever since new and high-level surgeries got more recognition and individuals got more knowledgeable. Although there are various surgeries for spectacle removal one cannot pretend one surgery to be better than the other. Every surgery has its benefits with regards to how it is performed, cost, recovery time etc.

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Contoura Vision Vs. LASIK Vs. SMILE – Which Is Better?

Blade-Less LASIK

  • Clear Vision
  • US – FDA certified
  • Femto Laser + Excimer Laser
  • Fastest Visual Recovery – Provides a Perfect Effect
  • Digital tracking while Laser delivery
  • Re-treatments possibilities

Contoura Vision

  • Keen Vision Possibilities – Beyond 6/6
  • US – FDA certified
  • Femto Laser + Excimer Laser + Topolyzer
  • Specs Power rectification+ Corneal Irregularities rectification+Visual Axis Treatment
  • Quick Visual Recovery – Presents everyone a Wonderful Effect


  • Standard Vision
  • US – FDA authorised
  • ONLY Femto Laser
  • Specs Power Correction Possible ONLY
  • Healing takes 5-12 days – No great Effect
  • Manual Tracking – No Digital Tracking
  • Re-treatments probable

Laser Procedures For Spec Removal


SMILE is a step next to Contoura Vision. It is very commonly known as Flapless LASIK. In SMILE technology, only 1 laser known as a femtosecond laser is applied. The laser cuts out a part of tissue i.e Lenticule which is then dragged out by a little opening to produce vision correction. The outcomes of SMILE in Hyperopia and Astigmatism are combined so at present the technology is used principally for Myopic corrections till extra research is made for full use.


LASIK has been about for more than 25 years old procedure. The high-level version i.e Blade-Less LASIK has been around more than 10 years old. Blade-Less LASIK is recognized as the least standard for someone opting for laser vision correction. Blade-Less LASIK includes 2 lasers. First, a Femtosecond Laser is used to produce a flap. Another laser is Excimer Laser applied to change the curvature of the cornea to produce vision correction. Blade-Less LASIK is also very commonly known as iLASIK, Femto LASIK, All-Laser LASIK, etc.

Streamlight/ PRK / ASA

Streamlight is the latest intro for specs removal by laser procedures. Epi Contoura Streamlight is specially produced for patients with thin corneas. It delivers excellent results with a fully painless, touchless, cut-less, blade-less, flap-less laser procedure. PRK was the initial attempt by humankind to produce vision correction by lasers. Currently, PRK practices in very specific cases such as thin corneas and SMILE re-treatments. In PRK, no flap is produced and the laser is immediately applied to the exterior of the cornea. Since the flap acts as a bandage and PRK is done without the flap. The recovery in PRK is difficult and many times painful. Also, the recovery is lengthy, taking about 10 – 20 days to completely recover. Sometimes recovery from PRK can be irregular ASA is an excellent form of PRK. Streamlight is the most advanced technology giving no flap, no-touch benefits.


ICLs are micro-thin lenses that are inserted over the natural lens of the eye to induce vision correction. It is alike to a contact lens, just that a contact lens needs to wear daily and ICL is forever implanted in the eye. ICL is normally advised for applicants not to have proper Laser Vision Correction. Such may involve individuals with dry eyes, and thin corneas. IOLs are medical devices that are inserted inside the eye to replace the eye’s natural lens when it is eliminated during cataract surgery. They are also used for a type of vision correction surgery described as refractive lens exchange.


RLE is also recognized as Refractive Lens Exchange. In this system, the natural lens of the eye is substituted with an artificial lens. It has the power of both the natural lens and spectacles. It is normally recommended when somebody is not fit for Laser and Lens Implant methods. A patient can take the design and quality of the lens and the procedure can create with a mono-focal, multifocal, or toric lens. Refractive lens exchange, is also named lens replacement surgery or clear lens extraction. RLE your eye’s clear natural lens with an artificial IOL to improve and correct your refractive error. Also, obtain sharper focus and decrease your need for reading glasses.

Glasses, Contact Lenses, Or Laser Surgery – What’s Right For You?

Eyemantra is a reputed eye hospital for Spectacles Removal Surgeries by Lasik, SMILE, ICL, and Contoura Vision. There is a very popular saying “Protect your eyes or end up blind”. About half the population has a vision problem. But, this is now easy to correct as there is a proper solution for practically all vision problems. Today, an ophthalmologist can benefit virtually everyone with a vision problem. No medicine, junk diet, or process can help in enhancing eyesight. In case you do not plan to wear glasses then you must go for contact lenses or Lasik laser, SMILE, Contoura Vision, and many more procedures. They are the best way to remove specs and are an easy process without any pain. These methods will not increase your number irrespective of whether you wear the glasses or not as the number gets steady at the age of 18-20 years. Having a balanced diet with green vegetables and nutritious fruits will help in maintaining healthy eyes and body. If you are not satisfied with the contact lens and need to get relief from wearing glasses- Then you can get Lasik laser, SMILE, Contoura Vision, or ICL done, they are a reasonable and painless procedure.

The benefits we offer after Surgery are :

  • Exclusive & Secure Technology in Specs Removal and LASIK
  • Keen& sharp-edged Vision: Redefining Visual Acuity Results
  • Free from Hospitalization process: Hassle-free treatment with specs only

Benefits Of Taking Spec Removal Surgery

No spectacles are needed after the surgery.

  • Modern laser correction procedures can also correct presbyopia.
  • Laser surgery can be a great answer for people with vision problems who are not able to wear spec and tolerate a contact lens.
  • Even the dioptre range within which vision impairments can be corrected depends on the surgery performed. For example, a SMILE can normally correct short-sightedness of about minus 10 dioptres.
  • All the surgery in spec removal are painless, safe and US-FDA Approved.

Tips To Remove Spectacles Permanently

  • If you have eye number, keep visiting the doctor on time. This will keep updating eye number you about your change and will help to correct them on time.
  • Keep a clear distance while viewing the computer and TV. Give rest to your eyes in every 20 minutes and avoid reading in low light.
  • If you are going out in the sun, then must use sunglasses to shield your eyes from ultraviolet rays.
  • You must have 8 hours of sleep daily for good eyesight and also take an eye check-up at a fixed time schedules according to doctor’s advice.
  • Avoid smoking and drinking this will work towards permanent spec removal.

One Can Follow Some Home Remedies As Well That Will Reduce The Eye Number

  • To improve the eye power and to remove spectacles, mustard oil our walnut oil acts as a complete remedy for this treatment, massage the soles of the feet with mustard oil or walnut oil.
  • Walking barefoot on the green grass works for reducing the eye number
  • Eyes stay healthy by washing the eyes with amla water or pouring rose water in the eyes daily.
  • Avoid using hair colour, hair dye and chemical shampoo on the hairs because it straight affects the eyes.
  • Make a powder by mixing almonds, fennel and sugar candy in equal measures. Mix 10 grams of this powder in 250 ml milk and take it every day before sleeping and it is very useful for how to reduce eye number.

Diet To Be Taken For Increasing Eye Power- Rich In Vitamins

Taking some vitamin-rich diets like carrots, pumpkins, sweet potatoes, etc. contain beta carotene, which is the source of vitamin A. A diet must contain an extreme amount of vitamin C in oranges, amla, tomatoes, capsicum, etc. Before bedtime, eating 1 spoon of amla powder can also increase eyesight. Also, Vitamin E is very necessary to include in your diet take sunflower seeds, almonds, peanuts, spinach, soya bean, kiwi, mango, Turnip, etc. Vitamin A is very essential in removing spectacles and keeping eyes healthy. Eat more Vitamin A-rich foods in your diet.

Procedure For Specs Removal- LASIK, Smile, Contoura Vision, Or ICL?

Depends On Your Specs Number

  • If you are Myopic, SMILE is a more suitable option over LASIK or Contoura Vision. SMILE is a 3rd generation laser-based system and a true bladeless-flapless-painless surgery.
  • For the number between +4 D to -8 D- Contoura Vision is the most suitable option.
  • For numbers between -8 D to -18 D – ICL is a suggestible option.

Depends On The Benefits Each Carry

  • ReLEx SMILE: SMILE is a flapless, bladeless, and dressings-free surgery. The recovery takes a few days about 7 – 10 days. The dry eye aftereffects of the surgery are less with a SMILE.
  • ICL / Implants: ICL is the most advanced vision correction procedure adopted worldwide. The aspherical lens is fixed and placed over the natural lens of the eye surgically for vision correction errors asking for remarkable results.
  • Contoura vision: An improvement in spectacle removal surgery also recognized by Contoura Lasik. The high level of accuracy with the surgery is majorly due to the topographical mapping of the eye. Contoura works on the visual axis rather than the pupillary axis. This treatment on the visual axis brings intensified visual clarity.
  • Femto LASIK (Blade free): Most high-level Lasik surgery in today’s day and age. A high level of protection and efficiency is guaranteed with Femto LASIK.

All Of Them Are Safe Procedure But LASIK Is More Popular

At Eyemantra, we are a team of skilled ophthalmologists who’re skilled in performing the LASIK, SMILE, ICL surgeries and transplants for everyone who uses spectacles or contact lenses. As a mainstream treatment for weak eyesight, LASIK is a safe procedure with very rare complications. Laser specs removal surgeries performed by us have served people leave their spectacles forever.

Comparison And Similarities Between Specs Removal Surgries

Specs Removal
Dry Eyes
Change in Corneal (Strength) Biomechanics
Accredation US-FDA Approved US-FDA Approved US-FDA Approved
Beyond 6/6 Vision (Super Human Vision)
Recovery Fast Slow Fast
Re Treatments May be No May be
Tissue Saving No
Visual Axis Treatment i.e Natural Seeing Axis of Eye No No
Better Reading and Driving No No

Our Team

Dr. Shweta Jain

Dr Shweta Jain

Cataract, Retina, LASIK

Dr. Neha Wadhwa

Dr Neha Wadhwa

Cataract, Retina, LASIK

Dr. Lalit Chaudhary

Dr. Lalit Chaudhary

Femtosecond LASIK

Dr. Poonam Gupta

Dr. Poonam Gupta

Femtosecond LASIK

Eyemantra- Famous For Specs Removal Surgery In Delhi

Eyemantra is the lead in Lasik treatment with over more than 1000 eyes operated. The surgery has exceptional precision and success rate without the application of blades. The technology enables correction of pre-existing astigmatism generated due to abnormal corneal curvature. This technology with a complete range of premium IOL gives the most beneficial of results after cataract surgery by our top cataract surgeons in Delhi and its NCR. Book an appointment with our best lasik eye doctor in Delhi to know more about lasik surgery cost in Delhi.

Eye Mantra Foundation believes in giving back to society and so to complete this mission, we have set up Charitable Eye Hospitals, which cater to the needs of people who have one or another form of eye ailment but do not have the means to afford the treatment.

  • Our mission is to provide affordable eye care to everyone.
  • Being an enthusiastic leader in the eye care sector, we have state of the art technologies for eye treatments.
  • We have started this charitable hospital to make sure that even the poorest strata of society, has access to the best eye care treatment methods.
  • We believe in giving back to the society and so for this particular purpose, EyeMantra provides it’s services to the poor sections of society at no cost.
EyeMantra Hospital

Frequently Asked Questions

Are you sure that all the laser procedure are safe and painless for spec removal?

Yes, All-Laser procedures are very safe and painless for spec removal as they are US-FDA approved procedures.

Will I be free from spectacles forever?

There are 97% chances of the people to be free from their spectacles. 3% will have mild change from their zero targeted correction due to diverse recovery patterns in different people but will have their decreased dependence on spectacles. After 3-6 months, a laser improvement can be tried to correct these people further. People of age of 45, who have distance vision correction may require reading glasses.

Is there any risk of getting laser surgery done?

Every surgery holds a surgical risk which is the reason Pre LASIK workup / Pre Tests are made so that any patient not eligible for the procedure can be ruled out. Some of the risks may include:

  • Infections – Modern day antibiotics can simply control and tackle infections.
  • Over or Under Correction – Can sometimes happen because of different healing responses of the body. This situation is rare and however if so happens, it can be efficiently managed by doing laser polishing after 6 months.
How do I get to know that I am fit for Laser surgery or not?

To be fit for laser surgery you have to meet some basic eligibility criteria

  • Minimum 18 years old
  • Specs number must be stable for the last 6 months. Minor variations of 0. 25 D and 0.50 D are satisfactory.
  • Ladies should not be pregnant or on breastfeed or 6 months post-pregnancy.
  • You must not be consuming any medicines such as steroids. After you meet these basic criteria, then you will have to undergo a Pre Lasik workup test which involves 6 to 7 different kinds of tests to eventually declare you the right candidate for laser surgery.
What happens in Pre LASIK workup tests?

Pre Lasik work up test involves a series of 6-7 tests that involve:

  • Examining the power and pressures of your eye
  • Monitoring your corneal thickness and any additional surface irregularities on the cornea.
  • Examining for dry eyes
  • Checking the Retina movement, this test normally takes 2 hours and if you use contact lenses it is best to stop them 3 days before you undergo these test.
Will the laser surgery have any effect in case I plan to go for other surgery in future such as glaucoma surgery?

When you plan to undergo any additional eye surgery it’s your responsibility to inform your doctor about previous surgery so that the treatments plan can be adjusted accordingly.

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