Computer Vision Syndrome

In the present scenario, everyone from kids to adults is engaged in digital technology. Especially on computers and laptops- Working hours in front of computer screens. That can put a true strain on one’s eyes and vision. This can lead to many symptoms such as red eyes, strain in the neck and back, watery eyes, headaches, and gritty eyes. This is not good for the eyes and healthy living. Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS) indicates such a situation where eyes begin receiving this kind of symptoms across a period. Research has proven that between 50-90% of people who uses a computer have some of these symptoms. Not only working adults are dealing with CVS – Even kids, who use mobile phones & tablets plus gaming devices have seen a rise in the symptoms.

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What is Computer Vision Syndrome?

In the present scenario, when the advent of technology is at its height,  everyone, from kids to adults is engaged in digital technology, especially in computers and laptops. Long working hours in front of computer screens can put a true strain on one’s eyes and vision.

This can be detected because of many symptoms such as red eyes, strain in the neck and back, watery eyes, headaches, and gritty eyes. This is not good for the health of your eyes. 

Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS) indicates a situation where the eyes begin receiving the symptoms over a period.

Research has proven that between 50-90% of people who use a computer have some of these symptoms. Not only working adults are dealing with Computer Vision Syndrome, even kids, who use mobile phones & tablets and gaming devices have seen a rise in the symptoms.

Treatment Of Computer Vision Syndrome

Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS) is a disease in everyone’s lifestyle. Hence, its prevention is better than its cure. Few lifestyle changes can guarantee that one will experience- Viewing all screen devices without any restrictions and hassles. The modifications that one can simply make in their life to avoid the syndrome involve:

Limit Screen Viewing Time

Be aware of the quantity of time one spends on-screen devices. Also, attempt to reduce dependency on smartphones and laptops.

Assure About Proper Posture And Position

Make sure the keyboard is placed to support one’s wrists. Also, the computer screen is placed in such a way that one can look down at the monitor. Mostly, the computer screen needs to be 15 to 20 degrees below eye level. About 4 or 5 inches as estimated from the middle of the screen and 20 to 28 inches from the eyes. Avoid reading off-screen devices in bed, or a semi-reclining.

Take Proper Breaks From Screens

Do not watch at a screen without taking breaks. Learn and follow the 20-20-20 rule. In one should look in every 20 minutes at anything placed 20 feet away for 20 seconds.

Think And Blink:

Retain the strategy of blinking. Since blinking assists to redistribute the tear film. Plus prevents dryness of the eyes.

An Adequate Amount Of Light

Assure that there is proper ambient lighting. Make sure one does not work in the dark. Plus, avoid glare on screens by changing their brightness. Assuring the sufficient position of ambient lights.

Do Use Teardrops

Use over-the-counter, preservative-free lubricating eye drops to relax and relieve eyes. Do not use any home remedies like honey, rosewater, or other natural ingredients. Never self-medicate or apply steroid drops except prescribed by an ophthalmologist.

Wear Spectacles

Make sure one’s vision obstacles are treated. Also, one’s eyeglasses prescription is valid to date. Limit the usage of contact lenses since they increase dryness and strain.

See Your Eye Doctor

In this state, one is facing signs or symptoms that insist on the strain on the eyes. Please make sure to go for a complete eye test with their preferable eye doctor. These symptoms can sometimes mean other diseases involving undiagnosed refractive errors.

Causes Of A Computer Vision Syndrome

There are four foremost reasons for this syndrome:

  • Looking at a bright-lit screen determines the rate of blinking is reduced which is no good. This creates dryness in the eyes that begin symptoms such as foreign body sensation, redness, soreness of eyes, sand in eyes feeling, and grittiness
  • Continued staring for near vision appears in convergence spasm of the small eye muscles. As the eyes are not geared for a long time to stay near one’s work. This creates headaches and additionally inability to focus sometimes.
  • Neck and back improper posting towards the computer screen or desk or chair results in an inappropriate way of viewing the screens. Which is not good for the eyes. Reading in bed from screen devices also creates notable problems.
  • One is more likely prone to this syndrome. If one already has preexisting dryness in the eyes. Also, if he/she is not wearing the correct power of spectacles.

How Is Diagnose Computer Vision Syndrome Or Digital Eye Strain?

Through comprehensive eye examination, Computer vision syndrome or Digital eye strain can be diagnosed. Testing, with specific importance on visual essentials at the computer or digital device working distance, may involve:

Patient Past Records

To learn any symptoms the patient is experiencing. The presence of any comprehensive health problems. Medications are taken by the patient at an earlier time. Environmental factors may be indicating the symptoms linked to computer usage.

Visual Acuity

Measurements to evaluate the amount to which vision may be affected.


To learn about the suitable lens power required to compensate for any refractive errors. That can be nearsightedness, farsightedness, or astigmatism.

Examining How The Eyes Focus, Move, And Work Together

In state to obtain a clear plus single image of what is being viewed. The eyes need to effectively change the focus, move and work in cooperation. This testing will watch out for difficulties that keep one’s eyes from focusing completely or make it tough to use both eyes together.

Low Vision Techniques

Enhance the lighting in the house and also replace light bulbs with bulbs of greater wattage. Moreover, make all nooks and crannies are enough explained to limit falls and grow visibility. Let’s discuss a few of the low vision techniques in detail.

  • Decrease glare: Modify light switches to reduce and secure one’s eyes from dazzle by wearing sunglasses. Also, a wide-brimmed hat gives a shield to one’s eyes. Women can use a dupatta or stole covered around their face shielding eyes.
  • Use huge, bright felt tip markers for writing and shopping lists. Also, Use a whiteboard to mark the necessary dates and calendars.
  • Select low vision devices: Watches, remotes, and thermostats that talk back are also easily available and reasonable in cost.

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Dr. Poonam Gupta

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Frequently Asked Questions

How can I recover from Computer Vision Syndrome?

It is advised that a person should rest his eyes for 15 minutes after every 2 hours of screen time. A correct posture needs to be followed so that you can keep an optimum distance from the screen. Moreover, the font size should be big enough to be visible without any strain. You can use a screen glare filter.

Is Eye Strain a severe disorder?

Computer Vision Syndrome can come out to be a severe disorder as it puts a serious type of nerve strain injury that puts a negative impact on your vision. The medical condition can also be termed as Digital Eye Strain.

Is Computer Vision Syndrome permanent once inherited?

The answer is NO. It completely depends on how you take it. People who take proper precautions and follow favorable techniques can certainly get over the disorder. But the symptoms may worsen with time if the precautions are not taken properly.

How can I protect my eyes from Computer Vision Syndrome?

You can protect your eyes by bringing the following techniques into practice:

  • Place your computer at least 20-28 inches away from your eyes.
  • Blink frequently.
  • Take regular breaks
  • Use eye drops.
  • Reduce screen glare
  • Use the right eyeglasses
  • Adjust your posture
Is there any reliable treatment for Computer Vision Syndrome?

There is no surgical treatment available for Computer Vision Syndrome. Once you start observing the symptoms of the same, you can simply start taking preventive measures like resting the eyes after frequent intervals and keeping an optimum distance between your eyes and the screen.

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