SMILE Eye Surgery

SMILE Laser Eye Surgery is named Small Incision Lenticule Extraction. This procedure was introduced in 2012. Just after the introduction and wide availability of LASIK surgery, progress has constantly been made.

SMILE is a typical procedure of refractive surgery that uses a Femtosecond Laser and is a one-step laser surgery. Rather than cutting a thin flap in the cornea, SMILE preferably applies a tiny incision ranging from 2 to 4 millimeters in a minimally invasive procedure i.e Blade-free Vision Correction.

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Smile Laser Surgery

What Happens During A SMILE Procedure?

Through a SMILE eye surgery procedure, the eye specialists apply eye drops to anesthetize the eye. A speculum is then precisely placed on the lids to keep the eye open and to stop blinking. Using high-level femtosecond technology- the surgeon then builds a precise lenticule which is a thin and circular piece of tissue. The surgeon then separates the lenticule through the tiny incision that was built in the eye. After using the laser, the patient will be permitted to recover for a few minutes before the eye doctor returns and checks the eye. Also, enables the patient to leave.

Recovery After SMILE Eye Surgery

The physical recovery of the tissue takes about 10- 15 days. Patients may continue with the usual routine activities within 2-3 weeks, involving swimming and outdoor recreational activities. By contrast, people who undergo SMILE eye surgery are usually told to wait at limited 10-15 days whereas the healing time is fast in case of LASIK and Contoura.

How Secure And Safe Is The SMILE EYE SURGERY Procedure?

SMILE is an extraordinarily safe and USA FDA approved medical procedure.

The procedure is generally used for patients who range in age from 18 to 40. Patients will need to undergo a series of tests to determine if they are good candidates for the procedure. In general, people who are good candidates for LASIK will likely be good candidates for SMILE as well.

Because of the specialized laser that is required for SMILE surgery and the training and skill that doctors must have, many eye surgeons do not offer it.

What Is The Cost Of SMILE Surgery?

Many people think that is why SMILE eye surgery is expensive. The costs include the expense of the machine and the licensing fees that surgeons and eye hospitals must pay to the laser company. SMILE eye surgery cost value is approximate Rs. 1,00,000.

The specialized machine that is used in the procedure contributes to the expense because the machine itself costs INR 4 crore. The surgery center must also pay licensing fees for the use of the device, and these fees range from Rs. 10,000 – 15,000.

While some clinics may advertise laser eye surgery for as little as Rs. 7,000, these centers cut costs by reusing blades, a practice that can be dangerous to patients. It is best not to try to cut corners.

It is not wise for patients to risk their sight by trying to pay as little as possible for something like SMILE.

Eyemantra: Best Leading Hospital And Surgeons For SMILE Eye Surgery

Eyemantra Eye Centres have been at the cutting edge of Ophthalmology for decades.

We are happy to be one of the greatest volumes of hospitals for SMILE Eye Surgery in India. Because of the expertise of the hospital and its surgeons, patients travel from around the world to undergo laser vision correction and other eye surgery procedures at the Eyemantra Eye Centre

“Patients care is our first priority- Serve the best”.

Eye Mantra Foundation believes in giving back to society and so to complete this mission, we have set up Charitable Eye Hospitals, which cater to the needs of people who have one or another form of eye ailment but do not have the means to afford the treatment.

  • Our mission is to provide affordable eye care to everyone.
  • Being an enthusiastic leader in the eye care sector, we have state of the art technologies for eye treatments.
  • We have started this charitable hospital to make sure that even the poorest strata of society, has access to the best eye care treatment methods.
  • We believe in giving back to the society and so for this particular purpose, EyeMantra provides it’s services to the poor sections of society at no cost.
EyeMantra Hospital

Advantages Of SMILE Eye Surgery

SMILE eye surgery was developed on a small incision and a small flat technology with the thinking that a small flat would not compromise the strength of cornea, provide more safety and reduce the chances of dry eyes. However, now the studies have clearly shown that a small flap has no relation with strength and dryness and it is similar to LASIK.

In the SMILE eye surgery procedure, the surgeon uses a femtosecond laser to produce a small, lens-shaped bit of tissue (lenticule) within the cornea. Then, with the same laser, a small arc-shaped cut is made in the surface of the cornea. After that, the surgeon removes the lenticule through this incision and discards it.

Research is showing SMILE eye surgery produces virtually the same visual acuity as LASIK for the correction of nearsightedness, without the need to create a LASIK-style corneal flap. In one study of 328 people who underwent the SMILE procedure, all but one had uncorrected visual acuity (UCVA) of 20/40 or better after surgery, and 88% had UCVA of 20/20 or better.

Research also has shown that fewer symptoms of dry eyes may occur after SMILE eye surgery, compared with LASIK surgery. This is likely because fewer corneal nerves are disrupted during the SMILE eye surgery procedure since the corneal incision is significantly smaller than that required to create a LASIK flap. Also, because fewer nerves are cut, there may be less loss of corneal sensitivity following the SMILE eye surgery procedure, compared with LASIK.

Our Team

Dr. Shweta Jain

Dr Shweta Jain

Cataract, Retina, LASIK

Dr Neha Wadhwa

Dr Neha Wadhwa

Cataract, Retina, LASIK

Dr. Lalit Chaudhary

Dr. Lalit Chaudhary

Femtosecond LASIK

Dr. Poonam Gupta

Dr. Poonam Gupta

Femtosecond LASIK

Frequently Asked Questions

Can SMILE surgery be painful?

The most patients report feeling while Laser Eye Surgery is a slight sensation of stress on the eye, but even that is widely omitted by the numbing eye drops. And in SMILE, patients typically report feeling completely nothing throughout the entire procedure.

What is time duration for SMILE Eye Surgery?

In SMILE eye surgery procedure it normally takes about 10 – 15 minutes.

Do smile eye surgery corrects astigmatism?

The surgeon then withdraws the lenticule by a small incision at the front portion of the eye. This reshapes the cornea and corrects the refractive error. SMILE may be a choice for many people with a kind of vision impairments – from mild refractive faults to severe nearsightedness and astigmatism.

Is SMILE surgery better than Lasik?

SMILE is a quicker procedure, and long term difficulty risks are much minor as there is no flap in the cornea, an incision is much less 2–3 mm in a smile than 18–20 mm in LASIK. Lasik is viewed 2nd generation refractive surgery, Smile is 3rd generation.

Is it advised to avoid T.V and using mobile phones for 24 hrs post SMILE surgery procedure?

Yes, until the doctor checks your post-procedure.

How quickly can I get back to my regular routine after the SMILE eye surgery procedure?

One can continue their normal routine in 2-3 days.

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