Detached-Torn Retina: A Complete And Comprehensive Study

Retinal Detachment

When a retina is detached or torn, the condition is called retinal detachment. It is a serious eye condition that happens in the retina, where the layer of tissue at the back of the eye which processes light pulls away from the other tissue around it.
It can often lead to permanent vision loss because the detachment of the tissue doesn’t let the retina work properly. This should be treated right away.


The detachment of the retina happens without any warning and it is not painful. When you have retinal detachment you might notice the following:

  • Floaters-They is small flecks or threads in your vision.
  • Flashes of light
  • Darkness over your vision.


Your retina can even tear when it gets detached. A torn retina is quite similar to a detached one. They have similar symptoms. When your retina gets torn the fluid inside your eye could leak causing the tissue to detach thus causing a detachment at the same time.
You should go to the eye doctor immediately if you experience this.
You can visit our nearest eye care center- Eyemantra located in Delhi.  It has well-trained and experienced ophthalmologists who have done several successful surgeries involving retina surgery and will provide you above satisfactory experience.
Book an appointment on +91-9711115191


These are the causes of retinal detachment:

  • Traction: When diabetes damages the blood vessels in the back of your eye then the scar tissue pulls on your retina which might cause retinal detachment.
  • Exudative: Exudative is a type of detached retina that happens when the fluid behind your eyes, pushes the retina and causes detachment. The common causes of fluid build-up might be leaking of blood vessels, swelling or any injury, inflammation, or degeneration.
  • Rhegmatogenous: This happens because of a retinal tear, the vitreous gel that fills your eyeball pulls away from the retina. This can also be because of an injury, surgery, or near-sightedness.


The following are at a greater risk for retinal detachment:

  • People with severe near-sightedness are at a greater risk for retinal detachment.
  • Injury or cataract surgery can increase the chances of retinal detachment.
  • A family history of detached retina puts you at a greater risk.
  • Diabetic retinopathy
  • Posterior vitreous detachment.


To diagnose retinal detachment your doctor might check the following:

  1. Your vision
  2. Your eye pressure
  3. The physical appearance of your eye
  4. Your ability to see colors

Your doctor might perform additional tests to see the power of the retina.


Want to protect the vision of your loved ones and you as well?
Visit EyeMantra Eye Centre, for Retinal Treatment consultation, where eye specialists work round the clock to assure the protection of vision. Plus, they provide valuable services with hygienic amenities.

If you’ve got a hole or tear in your retina but your retina remains attached, then your doctor may perform a procedure called photocoagulation with a laser. The laser burns around the tear site, and therefore the resulting scarring affixes your retina to the rear of your eye.
Cryopexy is freezing with intense cold. For this treatment, your doctor will apply a freezing probe outside of your eye within the area over the retinal tear site, and therefore the resulting scarring will help hold your retina in place.

Scleral buckling
For more severe detachments, you’ll need to have eye surgery in a hospital. Your doctor may recommend scleral buckling. This involves placing a band around the outside of your eye to push the wall of your eye into your retina, getting it back to place for correct healing. Scleral buckling may be done in combination with a vitrectomy. Cryopexy or retinopexy is performed during the scleral buckle procedure.
Another option is vitrectomy, which is used for larger tears. This procedure involves anesthesia and is often performed as an outpatient procedure, but may require an overnight stay in the hospital. Your doctor will use small tools to get rid of abnormal vascular or connective tissue and vitreous, a gel-like fluid from your retina. Then they’ll put your retina back to its proper place, commonly with a gas bubble.


Retinal detachment cannot be prevented but you can avoid detached retina from injuries. You can wear protective eyewear while playing any sports. If you have diabetes you should control your blood sugar levels. To keep your sugar level on track get regular check-ups with your doctor.


Retinal detachment is a very serious eye problem that can cause permanent vision loss.

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