Do Colourblindess Correcting Glasses Actually Work?

Color blindness

Colour-blindness is a type of blindness where the person has colour vision deficiency. They cannot see anything which has colours and some mild form of colour blindness is when a person has difficulty in distinguishing between different colours.

Colour-blindness is caused by overlapping response to light by specialized cells in the retina which are called photoreceptors.


Colour blindness glasses have special filters in them for helping a person with colour blindness, to view colours more accurately.

Colour blindness cannot be cured by the glasses but it surely provides the patient to view the world more accurately and experience the colours in a greater spectrum.

It helps the person to distinguish between a few colours thus helping them in everyday jobs.


There are several different kinds of colour-blindness that might affect people: a few are listed below:

  1. Red-green colour blindness: this type of colour-blindness is the most common form of colour blindness. It causes the patient to lose the ability to distinguish between colours like red, yellow and green. This is a type of genetic condition on X chromosome which mostly impacts men.
  2. Blue-yellow colour deficiency: this is a rare kind of colour blindness where the patient has difficulty in seeing colours like blue, green and black. It impacts both men and women equally.
  3. Blue cone monochromacy: this is the most severe kind of colour-blindness where the person is unable to see any of the colours well. This type of colour-blindness leads to very poor visual acuity which includes blurry and double vision. It can further lead to the person having near-sightedness and back and forth motions.
  4. Achromatopsia is a type of colour-blindness similar to blue monochromacy. The person is unable to see any of the colours at all. This type of colour blindness can also be accompanied by other vision problems.


The only way to know if you have colour-blindness is by a comprehensive eye exam which includes viewing pseudoiso chromatic plates. The plates include dots of several colours with a configuration in the middle. If you have any type of colour-blindness you will be unable to see the configuration formed by the dots.


The eye has three photopigments that are sensitive to colours.. These are located inside the receptors of the retina called cones. These cones give the brain information about what colour the object is.

If your eyes lack a certain type of photopigment you will have trouble in seeing that colour. The most common colour-blindness condition is red-green colour deficiency.

Colour-blindness glasses were created as sunglasses to increase the wavelengths of light which add an effect on the colours making them look more rich and saturated.

Later these glasses were used to enable colour-blind people to see different colours.

In 2017, 10 adults with red-green colour blindness had a significant improvement in seeing colours. Though these glasses help to some extent, people with complete colour-blindness won’t be able to distinguish between colours.


These are the few brands that make colour-blindness glasses:

  1. Enchroma: the most popular brand to make colour blindness glasses, Enchroma designs glasses to treat red-green colour-blindness. They use Enchroma’s lenses which leads to more accurate colour perception.

Enchroma has also faced a controversy regarding the glasses as around 48 people stated that they could distinguish between red and green but not other colours. The glasses heighten the contrast between these two colours but the ability to see other colours is reduced.

  1. Golden: This company makes lightweight colour-blindness frames which are very comfortable. These glasses can enhance colours like pink. The glasses are unsuitable for people with epilepsy.
  2. Pilestone: Pilestone is less expensive than Enchroma. The main model of pilestone treats red-green colour-blindness, others can treat blue-yellow colour blindness. People have stated immediate improvements after using red-green deficiencies.
  3. Vino: These glasses can be used for red-green colour blindness and blue-yellow colour blindness. These glasses are often used by doctors to view veins better. The lens alters the natural hues enhancing the contrast of the colours.
  4. Colour-correction System: These glasses change the wavelength of the colours as they enter the eyes, the brain perceives the signal coming from the photoreceptors differently. These glasses are only available on prescription as they are completely customized.

Consult an eye doctor. He will suggest the right brand for you according to your condition after a comprehensive eye exam.


Colourblindness is an incurable condition. In colourblindness, the vision can be enhanced but not fully cured.

Visit our eyesore centre-Eyemantra Care-for suggestions from well-trained and experienced ophthalmologists.

Contact us on: Ph:+91-9711115191

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