A Complete Guide Children’s Eye Diseases and their Treatments

Children’s Eye Diseases and their Treatments

Children’s Eye Diseases- For every parent their children are everything, if anything happens to them they are the one who will panic at first. As viewing things clearly is very important in small age as if children are suffering from vision problems then its matter of concern. Don’t worry there is no need to take as stress as the vision problem can be easily treated.

It is a bit difficulty in diagnosing the vision damage at once but due to the emergence of various techniques to operate all the conditions realted to the eye has become efficient. The Children’s Eye Diseases can be treated in best eye hospital Delhi, an eye doctor. Now, let’s discuss the common eye diseases found in children and how a surgeon can operate and eliminate those diseases.

Common vision condition and treatment


  • Astigmatism is a common Children’s Eye Diseases that creates a blurred vision. It happens when the cornea is unevenly shaped or sometimes because of the curvature of the lens inside the eye. An unevenly shaped cornea or lens blocks light from concentrating correctly on the retina. As an outcome can be seen -vision becomes blurred from any distance. This can lead to stress on the eye and headaches.
  • Astigmatism often happens with other vision diseases like myopia and hyperopia. Together these vision conditions are related to as refractive errors because they change how the eyes bend or refract light.
  •  A comprehensive optometric test will involve testing for astigmatism. If needed, your optometrist can give eyeglasses or contact lenses that improve astigmatism by changing the way light enters the eyes.

Symptoms: Blurred vision

Treatments: Eyeglasses, Contact lenses, Orthokeratology, Laser and another refractive surgeryLasik surgery & PRK

Children’s Eye Diseases
Astigmatism- Eyemantra


  • Epiphora can happen at any age, but it is more popular in age under 12 months or over 60 years. It may create a problem in one or both eyes.
  • The 2 principal causes of watering eyes are blocked tear ducts and extreme production of tears.
  • Epiphora indicates overflowing of tears due to impairment lacrimal drainage. This happens due to a disorder in the balance among tear production and tear loss.
  • Epiphora is often caused by tear film and ocular surface difficulties rather than by anatomical obstruction of lacrimal drainage. Accurate history can head to information concerning medications that can add to punctal stenosis.
  • Conjunctivochalasis is an under-recognized condition of upper lacrimal system epiphora.

Symptoms: Diminished vision, Swelling around the eyes and redness in the eye

Treatments: Antibiotic treatment, Eyedrops and Surgery

Children’s Eye Diseases
Epiphora- Eyemantra


  • The Hyperopia is also known as farsightedness found as Children’s Eye Diseases.
  • It is a situation where a child can see objects from a great distance clearly than the object present near them. The condition is usually applied to as hypermetropia preferably than hyperopia.
  • Farsighted people usually have headaches or eye strain. Even may squint or feel fatigued when performing work at near range.
  • This vision difficulty happens when light rays penetrating the eye focus on the back of the retina, rather than straight on it. The eyeball of a farsighted person is less than normal.
Symptoms: Eye strain, Headache
Treatment- Wearing eyeglasses, Contact lens, Squint eye treatment,  LASIK and CK surgery
Children’s Eye Diseases
Hyperopia- Eyemantra

Pediatric Cataracts

  • Pediatric cataract is a becoming cause of childhood blindness. Blindness related to pediatric cataract can be managed with early identification and proper management. Most cases are diagnosed in regular screening. Whereas some may be identified after the parents have seen leukocoria or strabismus.
  • The risks factor includes glaucoma, retinal detachment, infection and the demand for more surgeries.
  • After surgery, children often need some order of contact lenses, intraocular lenses inserted in the eye or glasses.
  • If amblyopia has occurred, the child may require patching. This treatment includes covering the stronger eye to stimulate vision in the weaker eye.
Symptoms: Gray or white cloudiness of the pupil, Red Eye and Nystagmus
Treatment- Cataract surgery and wearing contact lenses
Children’s Eye Diseases
Pediatric Cataracts – Eyemantra


  • A chalazion is a painless swelling on your eyelid. It can hit the upper or lower eyelid. Chalazia emerge from healed internal styes that no longer are dangerous. These cyst-like eyelid swellings form around an oil gland in the lid and can create red, swollen eyelids.
  • The chalazion is created by a blockage in one of the little meibomian glands of the top and below eyelids. The oil these glands perform helps to moisten the eyes. Inflammation or viruses hitting the meibomian glands are the underlying reasons for chalazia.
Symptoms:  Blurry vision, swelling in eyes & redness
Treatment- Antibiotics, Steroid shots, Surgery, Hot water compresses
Children’s Eye Diseases
Chalazion- Eyemantra


  • Amblyopia occurs when one eye grows lazy because it is not getting as sharp a picture as the other eye. The usual common causes of amblyopia are strabismus, refractive error, droopy eyelid and cataract.
  • It is s vision growing disorder in which an eye fails to reach normal visual acuity, even with prescript eyeglasses or contact lenses.
  • A usual cause of amblyopia is a misalignment of the eyes that condition is called strabismus.
  • Treatment of strabismic amblyopia includes strabismus surgery to adjust the eyes. This is accompanied by the use of an eye patch on the dominant eye.
Symptoms: Blurred vision in one eye, 
Treatment- Vision Therapy (orthoptics), Eye patches, Surgery, Atropine drops and glasses
Children’s Eye Diseases
Amblyopia- Eyemantra


  • Myopia is a refractive error found in Children’s as an Eye Diseases. It is when the eye does not refract light well. Light does not converge perfectly so images are not clear. In myopia, close things look clear but far objects appear blurred.
  • The word myopia was added due to the habit of myopic people of half closing the eyelids while looking at far objects, so that they may have the support of a stenopaeic slit.
  • It happens if the eyeball is too large or the cornea is too rounded. As a result, the light penetrating the eye isn’t adjusted correctly, and far things appear blurred.
  • Refractive surgery can decrease or even reduce your need for glasses or contacts. The most popular procedures are done with an excimer laser.
Symptoms: Variation in blood sugar level, Eye strains and headaches 
Treatment: Eye drops, Ortho-k or CRT, PRK or LASIK surgery, Eyeglasses, Contact lens
Children’s Eye Diseases
Myopia- Eyemantra

CRVO (Central Retinal Vein Occlusion)

  • The retina has one main artery and one main vein. The vein is called the central retinal vein. CRVO is a blockage of this vein that creates the vein to leak blood and excess fluid into the retina. This fluid often gets in the area of the retina contained for central vision called the macula. When the macula is hit, central vision may grow blurry.
  •  There are 2 types of CRVO – Ischemic CRVO and Non-ischemic CRVO and can be Children’s Eye Diseases.
Symptoms: Painless vision loss
Treatment: Anti-VEGF injections, PRP Surgery
Children’s Eye Diseases
CRVO- Eyemantra


All of the above are the common Children’s Eye Diseases found and they can be treated with medicines and various surgeries such as cataract surgery, squint treatment. There is no need to think much before taking a surgery parents can easily take a personal loan or go for health insurances. Children are too small to face problem so take a step towards their health first. Cater to all the disease and if you find any of in your child consult an ophthalmologist. There is various best eye hospital in Delhi with good facilities.

Don’t take a chance with your children eyes, do contact our website  Eyemantra for various services realted to surgery. We provide numerous services like Glaucoma SurgerySpecs RemovalComputer Vision Syndrome, and many more.

To book an appointment call at +91-8851044355. Or mail us at eyemantra1@gmail.com.

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