How to Stop Eye Twitching?

How to Stop Eye Twitching

Sometimes our eyes twitch, it happens, you’ll not even notice a twitch here or there. This is often caused by smooth muscle contractions around the eyes, called myokymia. This issue commonly comes and goes without recognition, though, some cases can extend for weeks or maybe months. You’ll be wondering: why is my eye twitching? It might be thanks to a couple of mostly benign reasons or possibly serious conditions. Here’s the way to stop eye twitching.

While these slight spasms are generally considered benign, they will be uncomfortable and aggravating. This uncomfortable feeling will often have us asking why is my eye twitching and what am I able to do about it? This condition will generally dissipate on its own over time and may even be controlled with self-care. Causes of annoying eye twitches are generally documented alongside their treatment methods. Here may be a list of 8 common causes and what you’ll do to treat it.

Why is my eye twitching?

If you’ve experienced eye twitching, you’ve probably wondered aloud. There are a couple of generally harmless reasons why these spasms could be happening.


Stress results from a spread of causes and affects everyone differently. If you’re overextended, with tons on your plate, consider trimming your workload.


Fatigue may result from a lack of sleep and is usually associated with stress. Addressing the underlying causes of fatigue and finding time to rest can help reduce eye twitching.


Consume caffeine carefully. About 2-4 cups of coffee is typically considered safe. Monitor your caffeine intake. If this condition occurs during times of high caffeine intake, adjust your intake accordingly.


Alcohol consumption has been linked to eye twitching. Abstaining from alcohol consumption will help reduce or eliminate the matter.

Dry Eyes

Dry eyes are often common in adults, especially over the age of fifty. Dry eyes are often brought on by excessive display screen exposure, contact lenses, certain medications (antihistamines), stress, fatigue or being during a dry environment.


Medications that want to treat various diseases can cause this problem. Medications associated with eye twitching include one’s want to treat mental disease and epilepsy.


Allergies are known to cause eye irritation, watery eyes, itching, and swollen eyelids. These symptoms may prompt individuals to rub their eyes which release histamine, a known explanation for eye twitching.

Eye Strain

Eye strain is often summed up as vision-related stress. Stressors could also be thanks to farsightedness, nearsightedness, astigmatism or perhaps it’s time for a change of prescription.

 The way to Stop Eye Twitching

Eyelid twitching or eye twitching (also called Blepharospasm) are often embarrassing, inconvenient, and downright annoying. Eyelid twitching is a smooth muscle contraction that will have many causes, including eyestrain, fatigue, dry eyes. Excessive use of stimulants (such as coffee or medications), dehydration, or excessive alcohol use, but the most cause is stress. No matter the cause, don’t panic. You’ve got several options available to prevent eye and eyelid twitching.

1. Start with hard blinking

Shut your eyes as tight as you’ll. Then open them up as wide as possible. Continue this sort of blinking until your eyes begin producing tears.

Doing this in quick succession spreads tear film evenly. This may cause relief by hydrating the attention, resting the lid, stretching the attention and facial muscles, and increasing eye circulation.

2. Relax your eyes with an eye fixed massage.

Lightly massage your bottom eyelids during a circular motion using your middle fingers. Massage the lid of the twitching eye for about thirty seconds. To stop irritation or infection, make certain your hands and face are clean first.

3. Blink for thirty seconds.

Try to do that with adequate speed. You ought to also make the movements Very light. Imagine that your eyelashes are butterfly wings. The method of blinking is extremely important to your eyes. It relaxes most of the attention muscles, also as lubricating and cleansing the eyeballs, which may stop the twitching.[3] Stop immediately if you experience pain or if the twitching becomes terrible.

4. Close your eyelids halfway down.

You will notice that your upper eyelids constantly tremble with different amplitudes. By squinting and helping acuity, you place less strain on the eyes. This might help a twitch resulting from a tired eye.

5. Exercise eyes with eye squeezing.

Close your eyes for one full minute. During this point, squeeze your eyes shut more tightly then release without actually opening them. Perform three repetitions before opening your eyes. This exercise can lubricate eyes by increasing tear production.

6. Give yourself an acupressure massage.

Massage each point lightly during a circular motion for 5-10 seconds before moving to subsequent. Once you finish the sequence, start again from the start. Repeat for about two minutes. To stop infection or irritation ensure your hands and face are clean first.

7. Try eye hydrotherapy techniques.

Alternate between splashing your closed eyes with cold than warm water. The cold water will constrict blood vessels, and therefore the warm water will dilate an equivalent vessel. This process will help increase circulation and blood flow to the attention, which may help with twitching. You can also run a wet cube over the eyelid before splashing with warm water as against alternating between warm and cold water. Repeat the method 7-8 times.

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