Education NGOs in India: It’s founding and it’s functioning

Top Education NGOs in India

What Are Education NGOs Stand For & How They Work?

Before jumping directly onto education NGOs in India or how many of them do we have in India, let’s first talk about what are these NGOs.

As known to all, NGOs are Non-Governmental Organizations. And as the name suggests, no profit-making activities take place within such organizations, unlike any other type of organization. The most important concern for these organizations is to perform activities that are reaching a large number of masses and hence are beneficial for the whole society at large.

Every Non-Governmental Organization has its cause to work on which is crucially base4d on the burning social issues. Some of them may include healthcare, education, family planning, environment protection, and many more.  They all work according to their needs.

Education is one of the basic human rights that need to take everyone under its shelter. Proper food and water are necessary for the development of a physical human body likewise, education is important for the social, mental, and psychological growth of the person. Only education can make a difference in society.

When it comes to education in India, it is very unfortunate to say that even after so many schemes introduced by the government, a large part of India’s section is deprived of even the basic education facility. So what these educational NGOs in India do is that they reach up to those strata of the society where even the basic rights to people are denied.

The organizations reach out to people, go door to door, talk to them to figure out the reasons where the government lacks. The problem found in rural areas, where people are leading their lives but are unaware of many things happening to them. However, the condition also exists in urban areas.

Therefore we come up with our research regarding the list of best educational NGOs In India. Let’s explore it:

Education NGOs in India

1) MAD (Make A Difference)

The idea to start this organization was first conceived in the minds of six youths, all coming from Kochi in the year 2006. At present, remarkably 3,800 volunteers are working for this education NGO in India. The organization has sprouted its way to over 23 cities, working for around 3,400 children in India. The strong volunteers make sure that they make the children realize the worth of educations, and how important it is to dream, and then work in the same direction to live those dreams in reality.

The responsible people provide educational and psychological mentoring, and further help them ensuring their emotional health. After the completion of the high school education of the children, 89% of them get jobs or get themselves enrolled in universities. Whereas 78% of the children coming from the shelter received a scholarship for further tuition and living costs.

2) Pratham

The education NGO is one of the best NGO in India, again, works to fulfil the lapses in the education system of the country. Established in 1995, it first worked to provide education to the children coming from the slums of Mumbai. Now it has grown a lot and has spread its branch in many of the places. Their mission is- “Every child in school and learning well”, and the issues they address are- learning levels, dropout rates, child rights, and teacher training.

They have programs in their organization that also focus on vocational training and technology, ultimately meeting up to the needs of the day. Adding to all those, they have a separate publishing unit in their organization that especially works for an annual report, called “Annual Statue of Education Report” (ASER) on children’s learning outcome, which is the only source of such data in the country at present.

3) TFI (Teach for India)

The founder of this education NGO in India is Shaheen Mistri, who came with a belief that only people’s effort can lead to the assurance of children’s quality education. TFI has its spread in over 7 cities where 1100 volunteers work ensuring educational responsibilities of around 38,000 children. It has been working since 2009.

How the members work here is that initially, the fellows are solely committed to teaching in low-income schools, at least for two years. Post that, they are embedded with leadership quality to make a powerful impact in society in terms of educational and social growth at large.

4) TAPF (The Akshaya Patra Foundation)

Standing in support of the right to education and to answer malnutrition, the organization was set in 2000 with its headquarters in Bengaluru. What happens is that parents who are unable to serve their family start sending their children out for work in factories and fields to earn the living. How are children going to get their studies done when they are forced to work for hours in the field. Therefore, this education NGO also serves a meal to children coming to government and government-aided schools so that at least to suffice their hunger, the children would start coming to schools.

With a mission to serve and feed 5 million children by the next five years, the organization believes that no children should be deprived of education because of hunger. TAPF is running one of the world’s largest mid-day meal programs serving children in 12 states.

5) Akanksha Foundation

Starting from 1991, the foundation gradually spread as afterschool centres in the next 16 years. At present, the organization is running 21 schools in Mumbai and Pune, with the interventions and effort of the School Project, and the municipal corporation of Mumbai and Pune. This top-rated education NGO works to ensure the overall development of a student, be it community engagement, leadership quality, and personality development.

The students coming from their background have performed remarkably well and set a benchmark for others in the SSC and HSC examinations in Maharashtra.

6) CRY (Child Rights AND You)

This particular educational NGO in India acted as a bridge between those deprived and the non-deprived ones. They reached out to people living in worse conditions and then to those who are willing to help them on the grassroots level. The founders, Rippan Kapur with six others started the foundation with a mere fifty rupee note.

The children enrolled under the organization are taught the key importance of education that is going to make them lead their lives with justice, dignity, and equity.

The organization also comes forward and works to protect and develop children’s policies.

7) Bachpan Bachao Andolan– The Best Education NGOs in India

People coming from privileged sections of society must be knowing well what it means to lead a carefree and enjoyable time as a child. But unfortunately, this doesn’t go the same with the others coming from weaker sections. As the name of the organization suggests, this NGO is one of the best-rated education NGOs in India works on various levels resulting in the removal of exploitation of children. It also makes sure the psychological reestablishment of those who have gone through certain issues at a young age. Adding to this, they also work for ensuring new developments in legal and fundamental rights of child protection.

8) Deepalaya

The organization spans several other interventions including education, vocational, health, institutional care, and women empowerment. In major, it works in the northern region of India where it has more than 35 projects working. This came into being in the year 1979 with its major focus on girl-children, street children, and disabled children.

It enforced the idea that people have to be a bit sensitive towards those who are marginalized and work accordingly for their growth, to make them self-reliant.

9) KISS (Kalinga Institute of Social Science)

This is one of those education NGOs in India that started serving tribal children. Initially, in 1992, they provided basic education to 125 children in the tribal region of Bhubaneshwar. Today, it has expanded its arms to over 25,000 children out of which 12,000 are girls. These children receive education right from the primary to the post-graduate level. Besides, vocational training in various disciplines is provided to them.

The organization also pays attention to other skills such as sports. Students passing out from their organization find themselves employed somewhere or the other.

10) Bhumi

In 2006, a group of friends started this organization to make a needful change in the education of India. Here, the youth volunteers worked together to better the condition of children belonging to marginalized sections. They with some other supplementary education program which also includes “Ignite” they train students in English, Mathematics, Science, Computers, Robotics, Mentoring, Arts, Sports, and Life skills.

Above were a few education NGOs in India. We do have many others as well. Making changes in society what you seek is not the responsibility of NGOs only, every individual should come forward and contribute their bit.

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