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Eye Diseases due to High Blood Pressure

Eye Disease Due to High Blood Pressure: Symptoms, Treatment & Prevention

High Blood Pressure, a general cardiovascular disease, can have repercussions on various body organs, including causing eye disease. Along with causing problems in the heart and kidney, untreated high blood pressure can also affect your eyesight and lead to eye disease. People with untreated high blood pressure may experience changes in their vision or develop some other eye disease. High blood pressure can predispose […]

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Eye Excercises

Best Eye Exercises to Improve Vision & Eyesight

For centuries, people have sought better eyesight without glasses. And several types of research, studies have been conducted in favor of advocating a healthier lifestyle as a cure for all ailments have recommended eye exercises to provide freedom from spectacles. Eye exercises have been promoted as a “natural” cure for vision problems, including eyesight. Though,

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refractive surgery

Refractive Surgery for Refractive Errors, Types of Treatment & Risks

Refractive Surgery refers to any surgical procedure used to fix vision problems. It is also known as Vision correction surgery or laser eye surgery. Refractive and laser eye surgery allow patients to get back their 6 by 6 vision. If you have any refractive error, such as Myopia (nearsightedness), Hyperopia (farsightedness), Astigmatism or Presbyopia, Refractive Surgery is the method

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मोतियाबिंद: प्रकार, कारण, जोखिम कारक, सर्जरी

मोतियाबिन्द ( cataract )किसे कहते है ? मोतियाबिंद ( cataract) एक नेत्र रोग है जिसके कारण व्यक्ति की दृष्टि कम होने लगती है और धुंधला दिखाई देने लगता है। यह नेत्र रोग आमतौर पर बढ़ती उम्र के लोगों के साथ होता है।लेकिन कुछ स्थितियों में, यह युवाओं में और बच्चों में भी हो सकता है।मोतियाबिंद

मोतियाबिंद: प्रकार, कारण, जोखिम कारक, सर्जरी Read More »


Thyroid Eye Disease: Risks, Symptoms, Causes & Treatment

People with thyroid disease sometimes tend to develop an eye condition that causes the immune system to attack the muscles and other tissues around the eyes. This inflammation of the Thyroid Eye Disease causes the eyeballs to look as if bulging out of their sockets. The inflammation is due to an autoimmune reaction – the body’s immune

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Squint Eyes Strabismus

Eye Muscle Surgery: Complete Facts, Procedure, Recovery and Risks

Eye muscle surgery is a procedure undertaken to correct a muscle imbalance in the eyes. The muscle imbalance causes Squint Eyes, or eyes that cross inward or outward. This condition is also known as Strabismus. People with strabismus have eyes that don’t focus on the same object at the same time properly. In other words, the eyes look

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