Our Solutions Are Already Changing The World
We have the solution. Actually, we have two solutions. One is permanent. The other meets urgent needs. And both have been helping people see better and live better from your backyard all the way to the other side of the world.
Our Sustainable Centers Create Long Term Impact
These centers don’t leave when we do. They’re there to stay. So local people have a place to go and receive affordable eye care for generations to come. And, to supply glasses regionally, we build manufacturing labs near or in the same country that are run by people who already live there.

There is a severe shortage of eye care workers in parts of the world where they are most needed. We believe that people in these underserved communities deserve the same standard of eye care that is enjoyed in the developed world.
To accomplish this goal, we work to establish education programs & schools of optometry. Local people are trained as degree-qualified optometrists, optometric & eyeglass technicians, refractionists, eye care health workers & vision center staff
For many people who experience vision problems in underserved communities, it’s not as easy as walking into a local optometrist for an eye exam. A vision center allows people to receive eye exams and, if needed, affordable glasses or referrals for secondary treatment. As with all projects funded by Eye Mantra Foundation, new vision centers are established with aims of becoming sustainable and financially independent over time.
By donating to Eye Mantra Foundation, you help to establish vision centers and give communities access to eye care facilities where they have never existed before.

You Can Transform Lives By Giving Sight
Your support makes a difference for people, families, and entire communities across the globe.
Find out how you can help.
Why Give
Optometry Professionals
Our Project Partners
Eye Mantra Foundation is enabled to support the eye care projects we do because of our Project Partners, who implement the programs for which our donors support. These programs include the establishment and development of vision centers, schools of optometry and service delivery of desperately needed vision care. We want to acknowledge our gratitude to these partners for their support and mutual commitment to Giving Sight and Hope by creating sustainable and accessible eye care programs around the world.