All About Blurry Vision

All About Blurry Vision


Blurry vision comes from a stem problem like migraine or detached retina. Some other reasons can be eye strain which can be mild. It can lack you from your daily work and can cause many troubles in your daily activities. Therefore, consult a doctor even if you have a slight change in your vision so that your problem does not grow and becomes something serious.

Blurred vision can affect your entire vision or just some parts of it affecting your left and right vision perception. You can also have blurred vision only in one eye. You should consult a doctor immediately if you are facing the following things:

  • Severe
  • Difficulty
    in speaking
  • Trouble
    seeing or sensitivity to light
  • Facial
  • Eye
    pain or pain in one side of the face


The doctor will conduct an eye exam or will study it and then tell you about the treatment required for your eye. They might ask you about your medical history as well as a family history of eye conditions.


The doctor will study the problem in your eyes through an eye test. They will ask you to read an eye chart that would be placed at some distance and you read the letters in the cart will gradually decrease. This is performed to check your distant vision.

There are some other examinations also, for example, slit-lamp examination. In this, the doctor will use a torch-like instrument to check your eyes. They will place the light in your eyes so that they can study your eye in detail.


Your doctor may also ask you to get a blood test done so that they can check whether there is any kind of bacteria present in it. They also check your white blood cells if they suspect any sign of infection.


Significant causes can come on rapidly. You may start facing problems within an hour or two. If you do nothing about it the blurriness tends to get worsen. Some of the serious conditions of blurred vision include:

  1. DETACHED RETINA: the retinal tissue is attached at the back of our eyes, if it gets
    separated from the blood vessels below it, it gives you blurred visions. This
    is an emergency and if it is not treated on time you may lose your vision
  2. STROKE:
    blurred vision also takes place when you have a stroke affecting the part of
    your brain that controls vision. It may lead to blurry vision or lost vision in
    one eye. You may also have other symptoms of stoke like weakness or inability
    to speak.
  3. EYE STRAIN: it
    occurs due to focusing on one thing continuously for a long period without any
    break. This can be due to any object like reading or writing. When the eye
    strain is caused due to focusing on electronic devices like phone, computer or
    television it is known as digital eye strain.
    this is also known as pink eye, an infection caused on the outer lining of your
    eye. It can be caused due to some bacteria or virus.
  5. CORNEAL ABRASION: it is caused due to some scratch in the cornea which affects our vision.
    The cornea gets scratched due to contact lenses or gets injured due to
    infections or bacteria. This results in blurry vision or feeling of some
    foreign body present in the eye.
  6. HIGH BLOOD SUGAR: high blood sugar leads to swelling in the eye resulting in blurry vision.
  7. HYPHEMA: it is
    a dark red blood pool present in front of our eyeballs. It is caused due to
    bleeding that you may get after trauma to your eyes. It can be very painful and
    causes strain to your eyes.
  8. IRITIS: it is
    the colored part of your eyes. It causes when autoimmune reaction causes
    inflammation in the iris. It can be caused in the condition of sarcoidosis or
    due to some infections like herpes and is very painful.
    inflammation in the cornea caused due to some infection is known as keratitis.
    It can be caused by wearing one pair of contact lenses for too long or by
    wearing dirty contact lenses.
  10. MACULAR HOLE: the
    macula is the centre of the retina which enhances our vision. It can develop
    some tear or gets damaged resulting in blurry vision. This usually occurs in
    only one eye.
  11. TEMPORAL ARTERIES: inflammation in the arteries around the temples is known as temporal
    arteries, it includes headache, blurry vision and eventually lost vision.


  • DETACHED RETINA: it requires emergency surgery that repairs our retina to avoid vision loss.
  • STROKE: there are different treatments for different kinds of strokes. Your doctor will study your problem properly and will let you know about its treatment. Medical help in this condition is necessary to prevent the death of brain cells.
  • EYE STRAIN: the most important thing to be kept in mind is to give your eyes proper rest after working long. You can also follow the 20-20-20 rule. In this, you have to focus on something that is 20 feet away from you for 20 seconds every 20 minutes.
  • CONJUNCTIVITIS: this is treated generally with some antibiotics or antiviral medications. This leads to speed recovery and lowers the chances of spreading.
  • CORNEAL ABRASION: it may heal on its own in a few days. If the condition is bad to visit a doctor, he/she will give you some antibiotics to treat and prevent infection.
  • HIGH BLOOD SUGAR: there are several kinds of medicines to lower down the blood pressure.
  • HYPHEMA: when there is no serious injury, and eye pressure bed rest and an eye patch should help. If the injury is serious and the pressure in the eye is too much, your ophthalmologist may remove the blood surgically.
  • IRITIS: this may heal completely on its own or by using some eye drops. However, if it is too serious consult a doctor or you can lose your vision.
  • KERATITIS: when it is caused due to some infection, it is treated with antibiotic eye drops. For a serious condition, steroid eye drops can be used.
  • MACULAR HOLE: it is treated only by surgery, in that the hole is repaired.
  • TEMPORAL ARTERIES: it is a long term problem and requires time to get healed. Normally some steroid eye drops are used to treat them. Treatment is very important in this case or it might lead to complete vision loss.

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