WHO Internship In India

Internship at World Health Organization in India

Process Of Internship In WHO, India

2020 has taught that the world needs to invest more in the healthcare sector. With the growing cases of coronavirus in every country, we need to upgrade our health care and health system to achieve bigger and global health goals. Every country needs to train health-care workers in a way that they can get exposed to the healthcare industry and create wonders through their research and their operation work. Countries need to have a pool of health-care professionals and stakeholders to interact with the international health arena.

The World Health Organization (WHO) is the specialized agency of the United Nations whose duty is to take care of public health on an international level and it establishes the agency structure and principles. The headquarter is situated in Geneva, Switzerland with the six-autonomous regional offices and 150 field offices worldwide. The WHO was established on 7th April 1948 and the day is also celebrated as World Health Day worldwide.

WHO Internship in India

WHO’s internship program offers a wide range of opportunities for the students who have completed their graduation and post- Graduation to gain insight and knowledge about the working program, while enriching the experience in the health-care sector. So, they can contribute to better public health for individuals.

Objectives Of The WHO Internship In India

  • It provides a structure to the students from various backgrounds and provides practical knowledge of the WHO programs for their better educational outcome.
  • People working with it get in-depth knowledge of WHO structure:  How it works and regarding the framework of the organization.
  • Provide a WHO program to students who have completed a specialization in different fields i.e: the health sector and there are other various programs such as communication, public relation, human resource, etc.

Duration of WHO Internship In India

The internship at WHO will span from six to twenty-four weeks. The duration also depends on the factor such as the needs of WHO technical units and also intern’s availability.

Stipends For WHO Interns

WHO provides stipends to the students who are in the need of support. When someone gets selected he/she needs to sign a disclosure form in which they need to mention if they’re already getting any scholarship/grant. Based on the form, WHO will decide the stipend up to a specific amount per duty station.

The stipend will differ from position to position in which students apply.

WHO also provides medical and accidental insurance to all the students. They do not provide any cost for the accommodation and conveyance cost for any candidate.

Eligibility Criteria In WHO Internship

  • The student should be of at least 20 years old, on the date of applying the application.
  • The student should be enrolled in a course of study or equivalent at a university/college. Candidates who have completed Graduation/Post-graduation also qualify to apply for the internship program, but they need to apply after 6 months of completion of their degree.
  •  The student needs to have completed their three years of full-time studies at a university or equivalent institution prior to commencing (bachelor’s level or equivalent ) the assignment.
  • The students should have completed a first degree in public health, social and medical fields related to the technical work of WHO or a degree in the management-related or administrative field.
  • None of the family members of the student should be related to WHO in any terms (son/daughter, brother/sister, or mother/father)
  • The student should be fluent in any of the working languages of the office or assignment.
  • The student shouldn’t have participated earlier in any of the WHO internship programs.
  • The candidate should hold a valid passport from the WHO member state.

Procedures To Apply For Internship In WHO, India

All the candidates from the world are invited in their specific domain of work (healthcare, support staff) and organizational locations (regional offices, country offices, or headquarters)

All the applicants should apply for the vacancies which were posted on the official website of the WHO careers section using the WHO corporate recruitment system.

WHO Internship Programme 2018

Update In The Process  

Due to the coronavirus pandemic, the process of applying for the internship has changed and the confinement measures are been taken in several countries. The continuity of the internship will change according to the evolution of the Covid-19 vaccination drive in certain countries.

Here’s a link through which you can apply- https://careers.who.int/careersection/intern/jobsearch.ftl?lang=en

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